Open statistics:statistics data that we are ready to share with community.

We provide the following visualizations of our statistics:

📊 Chart of men activity

A visual demonstration of sites where men are the most active.

A man is considered to be active if one of the following conditions is met:

  • program detected that the man sent a message to chat or viewed the profile;
  • statistics shows that the man spent money (for sites where we collect statistics);
📊 Chart of girls activity

A visual demonstration of plugins which our customers are the most interested in.

A girl is considered to be active if she spent 1 activation day during the day.

📊 Chart of the number of messages sent

A visual demonstration of sites where our customers send the most messages.

A message is considered to be sent if the program increases the counter of sent messages when sending is in proccess. Unfortunately, many users confuse «sent» and «delivered» messages. It is impossible to determine the real number of delivered messages, just as it is impossible to guarantee the delivery of any letter via mail in the real world.

We do not provide the source data on which the charts are based (trade secret), and we do not display too small values (below 2%).